City Hall is located at 110 Oscar Avenue N., Canby, MN 56220
Phone: 507-223-7295
FAX: 507-223-5170
Monday- Friday: 8:00am-12:00pm and 1:00 pm-5:00pm
Summer: Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-12:00 pm and 12:30pm-5:00pm, Friday: 8:00am-12:00pm
Mayor & Council
Canby is a home rule charter city form of government. The governing body consists of a Mayor and four council members who are elected-at-large serving four-year staggering terms. Regular Council meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month beginning at 6:00pm. Meetings of the City Council convene in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. City Hall is located at 110 Oscar Ave North.

Dillan Meyer
Council Member
Committees: Summer Rec Board
Term Expires: Dec 2022
Diana Fliss
Council Member Committees: Planning Commission
Term Expires: Dec 2024
MN House of Representatives
District 16A
Rep. Chris Swedzinski
Senator Gary Dahms
United States Congress:
House of Representatives
District 7
Michelle Fischbach
Minutes & Agendas
2020 Agendas & Minutes
December 16, 2020 Minutes
December 2, 2020 Minutes
November 18, 2020 Minutes
November 12, 2020 Minutes
November 4, 2020 Minutes
October 7, 2020 Minutes
September 16, 2020 Minutes
September 2, 2020 Minutes
August 5, 2020 Minutes
August 19, 2020 Minutes
July 15, 2020 Minutes
July 1, 2020 Minutes
June 17, 2020 Minutes
June 3, 2020 Minutes
March 25, 2020 Minutes
March 18, 2020 Minutes
March 4, 2020 Minutes
February 19, 2020 Minutes
Febraury 5, 2020 Minutes
January 5, 2020 Minutes
2019 Agendas & Minutes
2018 Agendas & Minutes
Studies and Financials
2021 final budget
2020 Audit
City of Canby – 2019 Audit final
Comprehensive Study
Housing Study
2020 Drinking Water Consumers’ Confidence Report
Demo Site yearly Report
Water Conservation Plan
Wellhead Protection Plan

City Comprehensive Plan

Housing Needs Assessment
Officials & Departments
Canby Police Department
Chief of Police Eric Diekmann would like to welcome you to Canby. The Canby Police Department is currently staffed with three full-time officers. We are community-oriented and strive to provide our services to the public in a professional and respectable manner.If you have an emergency, please dial 911-otherwise please call our non-emergency number, 507-223-7211.
Canby Water
The City of Canby has had a water system since 1899 to serve its residents with the resource we all need. Today we are working hard to provide the city with the same service and quality as our predecessors did.
The water in Canby is hard water about 50 grains, the iron is 2.76 mg/l and manganese is .264 mg/l. The filter plant built in 1998 takes most of the iron and manganese out of the water. The city’s two wells provide an ample amount of water for the plant to operate at 500 gallons a minute. In the treatment process the water goes through water into air aeration that strips compounds from the water. Next oxidizers get introduced, potassium permanganate and chlorine. To make the particles bigger a polymer gets introduced to bind the iron and manganese in the detention tank so the filter can remove them. When filtered the water sits in a 60,000 gal. wet well waiting for demand. When the level in the tower goes to a lowest set level the tower will call for water and in turn activate the booster pump and the fluoride pump. The water will leave the plant to the distribution system that has around 20 miles of pipe and travel to the tap, or the water tower. The city is currently considering replacing some of these lines. The tower was built in 1984 and holds 300,000 gallons of water. In the summer we can use that amount of water in one day if the taps are running. Winter the usage is around 165,000 gallons a day.
Three small lift stations feed into the 15 miles of sewer line that is gravity fed in town to a main lift station which in turn pumps it to the ponds. The Wastewater Pond System was built in 1993 and consists of two primary ponds that are 16 acres a piece and a secondary 16 acre pond. Most of the solids and bacteria are broken down in the primary ponds. The water is then transferred to the secondary pond for 180 days using nature to polish it before it gets tested and discharged to Canby Creek and goes into the Minnesota River watershed.
The summer months we provide services including the city pool operation and park upkeep. In the winter months Brad assists the Street Department for snow removal. In the winter months we do things that the public doesn’t see like mapping, planning, and improving organizing and training around the plants in addition to snow removal. We take pride in our facilities and don’t mind showing them off to the public. So feel free to come in and we will show you around.
City of Canby Volunteer Fire Department
The City of Canby has a volunteer fire department. There are currently 25 members in the fire department. They meet the first Monday of every month at 7pm at the fire hall. The Fire Chief is Derrick Ruether.
City of Canby Airport
Myers Field (CNB) has a 75 foot by 4400 foot run way, arrival/departure building, 100 LL fueling station and a credit card payment system. In addition, the airport has a 12 stall hanger available for rent, flight instruction, and aircraft rentals. For questions contact the airport manager, Matt Wagner, at 507-828-0323.
Board Members are:
Tony Hentges, Board Member
Dan Lutgen, Board Member
Dan Buseth, Board Member
Alex Renaas, Board Member
Rebecca Schrupp, Board Member
Matt Wagner, Ex-Officio
City Cemetery
The City maintains a cemetery. The cost for a grave site is $300.00. Caskets shall be placed in a concrete vault or grave liner. All plants must be contained in plant holders. One plant stand per burial plot is allowed. Flowers may be placed on the gravesite for Memorial Day one week before and may remain until June 15th.

Planing and Zoning
The City of Canby has a zoning ordinance for those looking to build, expand, and demolish. You will have to fill out a zoning application that can be found here or call the City Office.
While we do not have a building permit for fences, make sure the fence is on your property. You will be responsible for maintaining both sides of the fence. If you are on a corner, make sure the fence does not impede any line of site for drivers. If you are putting a fence on an alley side, you will have to make sure you are not in the alley right of way.
If you are questioning your lot lines, you will need to contact a licensed land surveyor to stake out your lot. If you are planning on doing work with the sidewalk, curb or gutter, and driveways, please contact the City Office for a permit application.
Board & Commissions
If you would like to become a member of a Board within the City of Canby, please call the City Office at 507-223-7295.
Economic Development Authority – The EDA meets as needed. Their mission is to help businesses in the city of Canby. The Board consists of 7 members. Nancy Bormann, Jody Olson, Craig Kaddatz, Tony Ourada, Lloyd Cleveland, Alex Renaas and Andy Guptill. If you are a new business or an existing business that would like to discuss the possibilities of a business in the City of Canby, call the City Office at 507-223-7295.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority – The HRA meets as needed. Their mission is to provide housing and redevelopment in the city of Canby. The Board consists of 5 members: Darold Snortum, Mark Whittier, Denise Hanson, Frank Maas, and Pat Stanley.
Planning Commission – The Planning Commission meets as needed. Board consists of 7 members: Nancy Bormann, Gerald Boulton, Diana Fliss, Eric Hanson, Larry Duis, Blaine Merritt, and 1 vacant position.
Airport Board – The Airport Board meets as needed. The board consists of 5 members: Alex Renaas, Tony Hentges, Dan Buseth, Dan Lutgen, and Rebecca Schrupp
Summer Recreation Board – The Summer Rec Board is a joint task board that consists of 3 members. One from the City Council, one from the School Board, and one member at large. This Board meets as needed. Members are Angela Leppke, Dillan Meyer, and Tami Peterson.
The City of Canby has copies of their ordinances up at the City Office and in the library.
City Water, Sewer, Storm Sewer or to change your garbage can size
Otter Tail Power-Electric
MN Energy Resources- Gas
1-800-889-9508 | Emergency-1-800-889-4970
Gopher State One Call-Call before you Dig- 811
Olson Sanitation-Commercial Businesses/Dumpsters